netdecking with the stars
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68 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Omniscience Combo Luca Giunti Standard RCQ @ Dungeon Street (Pisa, Italy) 2 09/03/25
Simic Control Luca Giunti Standard RCQ @ Dungeon Street (Pisa, Italy) 2 16/02/25
Ur Skred Luca Gaviglio Pauper LP Alessandria Tappa 1 @ Alessandria (Italy) 3-4 25/11/24
Rakdos Aggro Luca Giannoni Legacy LLM 3* season - tappa #2 ELMQ @ Milano (Italy) 2 10/11/24
Jeskai Energy Gianluca Gorgoglione Modern RCQ @ Golden Store Talenti (Rome, Italy) 2 02/11/24
Monored Kuldotha Gianluca Grillo Pauper Rolling Trio - Road To CTT24 @ Il Tempio Di Kronos (Caserta, Italy) 3-4 28/09/24
The One Ring Control Omnath Luca Giunti Modern Monsters League #12 @ Dungeon Street (Pisa, Italy) 5-8 15/09/24
Rakdos Midrange Luca G Pioneer Cup - MagicCon: Amsterdam @ Pastimes Events (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 3-4 28/06/24
Br Vampires Luca Grumetti Pioneer RCQ @ Playtime (Como, Italy) 5-8 02/06/24
Temur Value Land Loss Luca Giunti Pauper Lega Livorno - Tappa #6 @ Centro del Fumetto (Livorno, Italy) 6 06/05/24
Temur Value Land Loss Luca Giunti Pauper Lega Livorno - Tappa #5 @ Centro del Fumetto (Livorno, Italy) 8 15/04/24
Simic Turbo Fog Luca Giunti Pauper Lega Livorno - Tappa #3 @ Centro del Fumetto (Livorno, Italy) 3 18/03/24
Boros Di Sturo Luca Giunti Standard WPN Qualifier Road to Napoli @ La Rocca di Darsheyalon (Montecatini Terme, Italy) 3-4 17/03/24
Rakdos Midrange Luca Grumetti Standard WPNQ @ Playtime (Merate, Italy) 5-8 03/03/24
Simic Turbo Fog Luca Giunti Pauper Lega Livorno - Tappa #2 @ Centro del Fumetto (Livorno, Italy) 3 26/02/24
Goblins Gianluca Grimaldi Legacy LAW #4 @ Empoli (Italy) 5-8 28/01/24
5cc Gianluca Grimaldi Legacy Law League #3 5-8 17/12/23
Burn Luca Gottardi Pauper Pauperissima Christmas - Lega Comense @ Magic Akiba (Mariano Comense, Italy) 2 10/12/23
Gates Gianluca Garbellini Pauper Lega Pauper : Road To Pisageddon 2024: 1a Tappa @ Ferrara (Italy) 3-4 03/12/23
Hammertime Luca Gemignani Modern WPN Qualifier @ Gamic Play Arena (Massa, Italy) 1 22/10/23
Br Shadow Luca Giannoni Legacy Pig League 5 Tappa#1 @ Rovato (Italy) 2 10/10/23
Death's Shadow Luca Giannoni Legacy Pig League 4 Tappa#7 1 30/07/23
Czech Pile Luca Gallini Legacy LLP - Tappa 8 @ Wonderland (Pavia, Italy) 3-4 06/07/23
Canadian Threshold Gianluca Gazzola Legacy Arcana Legacy Invitational 2023 @ 4Seasons Tournaments 2 07/06/23
Reanimator Luca Giunti Legacy LAW League #6 @ Empoli (Italy) 5-8 23/04/23
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