netdecking with the stars
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389 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Rakdos Aggro Enrico Colzi Pauper IPT Lpalessandria 104 @ Alessandria (Italy) 3-4 22/12/24
Mono R Stompy Enrico Pais Legacy Law #3 24/25 @ Empoli (Italy) 5-8 22/12/24
Sadistic Glee Enrico Boscaro Pauper Christmas Event - Lega Vicenza @ Vicenza (Italy) 3-4 20/12/24
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy Enrico White cEDH cEDH Dec 2024 @ Guardian Games (Portland, OR) 3-4 07/12/24
The Master of Keys Lane Henrichsen cEDH Rock the Cradle of cEDH @ Dragon's Den Gaming (Sioux Falls, SD) 9-16 07/12/24
Doomsday Enrichetta Legacy MTGO Showcase Qualifier 5-8 01/12/24
Dimir Frog EnricoSLS91 Modern MTGO Challenge 64 11 23/11/24
Grixis Affinity Enrico Vanzan Pauper 5^ Tappa - Lega Vicenza @ Vicenza (Italy) 5-8 15/11/24
Jund Enrico Nardese Pauper Lega Milano - Final Top 8 @ UESM (Milano) 4 07/11/24
Painter Enrico Pais Legacy Law League #2 @ Empoli (Italy) 3-4 27/10/24
4c Gates Enrico Previati Pauper LP Ferrara - IV Tappa @ Eroi DI Arcadia (Ferrara, Italy) 5-8 25/10/24
Golgari Aggro Lars Henrichvark Standard World Championship 30 @ Las Vegas 32 24/10/24
Amulet Titan Enrico Vitari Modern RCQ @ Bazaar Magic Masters (Mantova, Italy) 5-8 20/10/24
Dimir Terror Enrico Previati Pauper LP Ferrara - III Tappa @ Eroi di Arcadia (Ferrara, Italy) 5-8 12/10/24
Sadistic Glee Enrico Boscaro Pauper Torneo @ Dad i& Draghi (Bassano, Italy) 1 12/10/24
Landless Belcher Enrichetta Modern MTGO League 4 08/10/24
Sadistic Glee Enrico Boscaro Pauper LP Verona - Tappa 2 @ Verona (Italy) 1 03/10/24
Rakdos Aggro Enrico Ferraresi Pauper Modena Magic 2024 - Autumn Round 3/6 @ Modena (Italy) 5-8 02/10/24
Ub Terror Enrico Previati Pauper LP Ferrara - II Tappa @ Eroi di Arcadia (Ferrara, Italy) 2 27/09/24
Doomsday Enrichetta Legacy MTGO Challenge 32 3-4 25/09/24
Dimir Frog EnricoSLS91 Modern MTGO League 4 24/09/24
Doomsday Enrichetta Legacy MTGO Showcase Challenge 5-8 22/09/24
Doomsday Enrichetta Legacy MTGO Challenge 32 15 21/09/24
Doomsday Enrichetta Vintage MTGO Challenge 32 3-4 20/09/24
Sadistic Glee Enrico Boscaro Pauper LP Verona - Tappa1 @ Verona (Italy) 1 19/09/24
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