2 Explore 2 Neutralize 2 Wrath of God 3 Root Snare 3 Narset, Parter of Veils 3 Search for Azcanta 3 Commit/Memory 4 Teferi, Hero of Dominaria 4 Growth Spiral 4 Haze of Pollen 2 Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath 1 Scattered Groves 2 Irrigated Farmland 2 Island 2 Plains 2 Temple Garden 3 Forest 4 Breeding Pool 4 Hinterland Harbor 4 Hallowed Fountain 4 Fabled Passage Sideboard 3 Elder Gargaroth 3 Negate 3 Rest in Peace 2 Shark Typhoon 1 Commence the Endgame 1 Wrath of God 1 Narset, Parter of Veils 1 Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath