1 Arid Mesa 1 Bloodstained Mire 1 Cascade Bluffs 1 Cavern of Souls 1 Command Tower 1 Flooded Strand 1 Misty Rainforest 1 Polluted Delta 1 Scalding Tarn 1 Steam Vents 1 Volcanic Island 1 Wasteland 1 Wooded Foothills 9 Mountain 20 Island 1 Deceiver Exarch 1 Dragonmaster Outcast 1 Gilded Drake 1 Imperial Recruiter 1 Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker 1 Magus of the Moon 1 Pestermite 1 Snapcaster Mage 1 Spellskite 1 Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir 1 Vendilion Clique 1 Venser, Shaper Savant 1 Dack Fayden 1 Jace, the Mind Sculptor 1 Tormod's Crypt 1 Vedalken Shackles 1 Blood Moon 1 Splinter Twin 1 Brainstorm 1 Complicate 1 Condescend 1 Counterspell 1 Cryptic Command 1 Dig Through Time 1 Dismiss 1 Electrolyze 1 Exclude 1 Fact or Fiction 1 Fire/Ice 1 Flash of Insight 1 Force Spike 1 Force of Will 1 Impulse 1 Into the Roil 1 Izzet Charm 1 Lightning Bolt 1 Logic Knot 1 Mana Leak 1 Memory Lapse 1 Mental Misstep 1 Miscalculation 1 Mystical Tutor 1 Negate 1 Remand 1 Scrap 1 Spell Pierce 1 Spell Snare 1 Starstorm 1 Swan Song 1 Ancestral Vision 1 Anger of the Gods 1 Gitaxian Probe 1 Order of Succession 1 Preordain 1 Ruination 1 Slagstorm 1 Sudden Demise Sideboard 1 Nin, the Pain Artist