// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Rakdos Madness // CREATOR : Xavi_Barranco // FORMAT : Pauper 4 [] Sneaky Snacker 4 [] Kitchen Imp 4 [] Voldaren Epicure 2 [] Deadly Dispute 2 [] Demand Answers 4 [TO] Fiery Temper 4 [SOM] Galvanic Blast 4 [A] Lightning Bolt 4 [DKA] Faithless Looting 2 [] Highway Robbery 4 [] Vampire's Kiss 4 [SOI] Alms of the Vein 4 [] Drossforge Bridge 4 [MR] Great Furnace 4 [] Jagged Barrens 1 [A] Mountain 1 [DIS] Rakdos Carnarium 4 [MR] Vault of Whispers SB: 3 [ROE] Contaminated Ground SB: 3 [SOM] Nihil Spellbomb SB: 2 [IA] Pyroblast SB: 4 [SHM] Smash to Smithereens SB: 3 [AKH] Trespasser's Curse