// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Eldrazi Control - Through the Breach // CREATOR : Wouter_Noordzij // FORMAT : Modern 4 [OGW] Thought-Knot Seer 2 [] Ulamog, the Defiler 4 [ROE] Emrakul, the Aeons Torn 4 [] Devourer of Destiny 4 [] The One Ring 4 [MR] Talisman of Impulse 4 [] Kozilek's Command 4 [CHK] Through the Breach 4 [ROE] All Is Dust 4 [ROE] Ancient Stirrings 1 [TSP] Gemstone Caverns 1 [] Mountain 2 [] Boseiju, Who Endures 1 [] Forest 4 [] Ugin's Labyrinth 4 [ROE] Eldrazi Temple 4 [] Karplusan Forest 4 [FUT] Grove of the Burnwillows 1 [OGW] Wastes SB: 4 [DS] Trinisphere SB: 3 [] Null Elemental Blast SB: 2 [NPH] Dismember SB: 4 [MR] Chalice of the Void SB: 2 [] Thief of Existence