// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Stiflenought // CREATOR : Mr._D // FORMAT : Legacy 4 [ISD] Delver of Secrets 4 [MI] Phyrexian Dreadnought 2 [] Brazen Borrower 2 [] Murktide Regent 2 [] Triumph of Saint Katherine 3 [] Doorkeeper Thrull 2 [ZEN] Spell Pierce 4 [AL] Force of Will 4 [IA] Brainstorm 4 [A] Swords to Plowshares 4 [SC] Stifle 3 [NE] Daze 4 [LRW] Ponder 2 [A] Plains 3 [A] Island 1 [BFZ] Prairie Stream 4 [ON] Flooded Strand 4 [ZEN] Scalding Tarn 4 [TE] Wasteland SB: 2 [PS] Meddling Mage SB: 2 [AQ] Hurkyl's Recall SB: 2 [ISD] Stony Silence SB: 3 [RTR] Rest in Peace SB: 2 [TSP] Angel's Grace SB: 1 [] Containment Priest SB: 2 [CMD] Flusterstorm SB: 1 [] Deafening Silence