// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Commander Gut Black // CREATOR : Thomas_Pouessel // FORMAT : Duel Commander 1 [] "Lifetime" Pass Holder 1 [] Angrath's Rampage 1 [A] Animate Dead 1 [ZEN] Arid Mesa 1 [SOM] Blackcleave Cliffs 1 [] Blightstep Pathway 1 [DIS] Blood Crypt 1 [DK] Blood Moon 1 [ZEN] Bloodghast 1 [KTK] Bloodsoaked Champion 1 [] Bloodtithe Harvester 1 [AKH] Bone Picker 1 [] Broadside Bombardiers 1 [] Carnage Interpreter 1 [] Charming Scoundrel 1 [TSP] Chromatic Star 1 [HOU] Claim / Fame 1 [] Claim the Firstborn 1 [] Command Tower 1 [] Cult Conscript 1 [] Cut Down 1 [] Dauthi Voidwalker 1 [A] Demonic Tutor 1 [] Den of the Bugbear 1 [ISD] Diregraf Ghoul 1 [NPH] Dismember 1 [M10] Dragonskull Summit 1 [AKH] Dread Wanderer 1 [] Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 1 [SOI] Falkenrath Gorger 1 [] Falkenrath Pit Fighter 1 [AER] Fatal Push 1 [] Forsaken Miner 1 [] Fungal Infection 1 [] Fury 1 [] Goblin Blast-Runner 1 [ZEN] Goblin Guide 1 [FUT] Graven Cairns 1 [MR] Great Furnace 1 [] Greedy Freebooter 1 [TO] Grim Lavamancer 1 [] Haunted Ridge 1 [] Hive of the Eye Tyrant 1 [] Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia 1 [AER] Kari Zev, Skyship Raider 1 [] Kellogg, Dangerous Mind 1 [TSP] Kher Keep 1 [] Knight of the Ebon Legion 1 [A] Lightning Bolt 1 [] Lightning Skelemental 1 [] Lithomantic Barrage 1 [] Lord Skitter, Sewer King 1 [] Loyal Apprentice 1 [] Magda, Brazen Outlaw 1 [] Magda, the Hoardmaster 1 [ZEN] Marsh Flats 6 [A] Mountain 1 [MOR] Mutavault 1 [SOM] Nihil Spellbomb 1 [] Ob Nixilis, the Adversary 1 [] Orcish Bowmasters 1 [] Prismatic Vista 1 [RTR] Rakdos Cackler 1 [HOU] Ramunap Ruins 1 [TE] Reanimate 1 [A] Red Elemental Blast 1 [TE] Reflecting Pool 1 [] Rix Maadi Reveler 1 [] Rotten Reunion 1 [ZEN] Scalding Tarn 1 [KLD] Scrapheap Scrounger 1 [] Seasoned Pyromancer 1 [IA] Snow-Covered Mountain 4 [IA] Snow-Covered Swamp 1 [] Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 1 [] Soul-Guide Lantern 1 [] Squee, Dubious Monarch 1 [] Stalactite Stalker 4 [A] Swamp 1 [TO] Tainted Peak 1 [PS] Terminate 1 [UL] Unearth 1 [] Urza's Saga 1 [MR] Vault of Whispers 1 [ZEN] Verdant Catacombs 1 [] Voldaren Epicure 1 [DTK] Zurgo Bellstriker SB: 1 [] Cultist of the Absolute SB: 1 [] Gut, True Soul Zealot SB: 1 [] Bounce Chamber SB: 1 [] Ferris Wheel SB: 1 [] Hall of Mirrors SB: 1 [] Haunted House SB: 1 [] Information Booth SB: 1 [] Pick-a-Beeble SB: 1 [] Spinny Ride SB: 1 [] Storybook Ride SB: 1 [] Swinging Ship SB: 1 [] Trash Bin