// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Commander Hogaak // CREATOR : Yvan_Lucas // FORMAT : Duel Commander 1 [NE] Tangle Wire 1 [] Fiend Artisan 1 [] Finale of Devastation 1 [] Mire Triton 1 [OGW] Corpse Churn 1 [TE] Reflecting Pool 1 [DIS] Ghost Quarter 1 [OD] Tainted Pact 1 [] Ram Through 1 [CS] Boreal Druid 1 [WWK] Arbor Elf 1 [A] Winter Orb 1 [DGM] Drown in Filth 1 [MBS] Green Sun's Zenith 1 [] Prismatic Vista 1 [MR] Lightning Greaves 1 [] Questing Beast 1 [JOU] Brain Maggot 1 [ROE] Vengevine 1 [OD] Zombie Infestation 1 [MI] Wall of Roots 1 [] Assassin's Trophy 1 [AVR] Ulvenwald Tracker 1 [] Nurturing Peatland 1 [] Command Tower 1 [RAV] Overgrown Tomb 1 [FUT] Tarmogoyf 1 [EX] Survival of the Fittest 1 [EMN] Grim Flayer 1 [] Ransack the Lab 1 [] Glowspore Shaman 1 [RTR] Deathrite Shaman 1 [M11] Fauna Shaman 1 [LRW] Thoughtseize 1 [OD] Chatter of the Squirrel 1 [] Deadly Rollick 1 [ORI] Gather the Pack 1 [DKA] Gravecrawler 1 [MI] Worldly Tutor 1 [A] Demonic Tutor 1 [JU] Sylvan Safekeeper 1 [AER] Fatal Push 1 [ZEN] Marsh Flats 1 [DS] Skullclamp 1 [LG] Pendelhaven 1 [PLC] Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth 1 [A] Birds of Paradise 1 [RAV] Dark Confidant 1 [M14] Elvish Mystic 1 [] Saproling Migration 1 [LRW] Treefolk Harbinger 1 [KLD] Blooming Marsh 1 [A] Forest 1 [MM] Land Grant 1 [] The Great Henge 1 [AP] Llanowar Wastes 1 [ON] Windswept Heath 1 [IA] Snow-Covered Forest 1 [BOK] Umezawa's Jitte 1 [WWK] Khalni Garden 1 [ROE] Inquisition of Kozilek 1 [] Lazotep Reaver 1 [ISD] Liliana of the Veil 1 [RTR] Grisly Salvage 1 [BNG] Satyr Wayfinder 1 [ZEN] Misty Rainforest 1 [A] Swamp 1 [ON] Bloodstained Mire 1 [EVE] Twilight Mire 1 [XLN] Kitesail Freebooter 1 [TO] Mesmeric Fiend 1 [ZEN] Bloodghast 1 [ON] Polluted Delta 1 [DK] Elves of Deep Shadow 1 [A] Llanowar Elves 1 [IA] Fyndhorn Elves 1 [RTR] Abrupt Decay 1 [NPH] Dismember 1 [ON] Wooded Foothills 1 [EMN] Grapple with the Past 1 [CHK] Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers 1 [JOU] Mana Confluence 1 [THS] Commune with the Gods 1 [AN] City of Brass 1 [ISD] Woodland Cemetery 1 [ORI] Caustic Caterpillar 1 [FUT] Dryad Arbor 1 [ZEN] Verdant Catacombs 1 [] Hexdrinker 1 [EMN] Collective Brutality 1 [A] Bayou 1 [UL] Crop Rotation 1 [] Stitcher's Supplier 1 [TO] Basking Rootwalla 1 [US] Greater Good 1 [] Elvish Reclaimer 1 [IA] Snow-Covered Swamp 1 [SH] Mulch 1 [] Winding Way SB: 1 [] Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis