// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : WR // CREATOR : sandydogmtg // FORMAT : Limited 7 [] Plains 7 [] Mountain 1 [] Forest 1 [] Evolving Wilds 1 [] Reptilian Reflection 1 [] Pacifism 1 [] Zagoth Crystal 1 [] Raugrin Crystal 1 [] Will of the All-Hunter 1 [] Shredded Sails 1 [] Raking Claws 1 [] Fire Prophecy 1 [] Coordinated Charge 1 [] Monstrous Step 1 [] Zirda, the Dawnwaker 1 [] Vulpikeet 2 [] Snare Tactician 1 [] Savai Sabertooth 1 [] Rooting Moloch 3 [] Prickly Marmoset 1 [] Perimeter Sergeant 1 [] Lavabrink Venturer 1 [] Lava Serpent 1 [] Frillscare Mentor 1 [] Flourishing Fox SB: 1 [] Tentative Connection SB: 1 [] Solid Footing SB: 1 [] Slitherwisp SB: 2 [] Patagia Tiger SB: 2 [] Mysterious Egg SB: 1 [] Light of Hope SB: 1 [] Hampering Snare SB: 1 [] Forbidden Friendship SB: 1 [] Escape Protocol SB: 1 [] Drannith Magistrate SB: 1 [] Divine Arrow SB: 1 [] Daysquad Marshal SB: 1 [] Corpse Churn SB: 1 [] Cathartic Reunion SB: 2 [] Blisterspit Gremlin SB: 1 [] Adaptive Shimmerer SB: 1 [] Mountain