// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Dimir Inverter // CREATOR : Mason_Clark // FORMAT : Pioneer 4 [OGW] Inverter of Truth 4 [] Thassa's Oracle 2 [AKH] Censor 4 [KTK] Dig Through Time 4 [AER] Fatal Push 1 [THS] Hero's Downfall 1 [] Mystical Dispute 4 [] Opt 2 [] Thought Erasure 4 [THS] Thoughtseize 2 [] Omen of the Sea 3 [] Jace, Wielder of Mysteries 6 [] Island 3 [] Swamp 4 [XLN] Drowned Catacomb 3 [] Fabled Passage 2 [AKH] Fetid Pools 2 [HOU] Ipnu Rivulet 4 [] Watery Grave 1 [M15] Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth SB: 1 [THS] Hero's Downfall SB: 3 [] Mystical Dispute SB: 1 [] Aether Gust SB: 1 [] Cast Down SB: 2 [] Infernal Reckoning SB: 1 [] Noxious Grasp SB: 2 [OGW] Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet SB: 1 [AKH] Liliana, Death's Majesty SB: 2 [ORI] Languish SB: 1 [] Legion's End