// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Landstill // CREATOR : tattoocek // FORMAT : Vintage 1 [IA] Brainstorm 1 [A] Ancestral Recall 1 [KTK] Treasure Cruise 1 [A] Time Walk 1 [LRW] Ponder 1 [ISD] Snapcaster Mage 1 [FRF] Monastery Mentor 1 [] Teferi, Hero of Dominaria 2 [WWK] Jace, the Mind Sculptor 2 [CNS] Dack Fayden 1 [ZEN] Scalding Tarn 1 [ON] Polluted Delta 1 [A] Plateau 3 [AQ] Mishra's Factory 1 [AN] Library of Alexandria 1 [A] Island 4 [ON] Flooded Strand 3 [OD] Standstill 1 [A] Mox Sapphire 1 [A] Mox Ruby 1 [A] Mox Pearl 2 [FD] Engineered Explosives 1 [FD] Crucible of Worlds 1 [A] Black Lotus 3 [A] Swords to Plowshares 2 [IA] Pyroblast 1 [ZEN] Mindbreak Trap 3 [NPH] Mental Misstep 2 [LG] Mana Drain 4 [AL] Force of Will 1 [CMD] Flusterstorm 1 [KTK] Dig Through Time 3 [TE] Wasteland 1 [OGW] Wandering Fumarole 1 [B] Volcanic Island 3 [A] Tundra 1 [AQ] Strip Mine SB: 1 [A] Swords to Plowshares SB: 1 [IA] Pyroblast SB: 1 [A] Plains SB: 2 [SOK] Pithing Needle SB: 2 [WL] Peacekeeper SB: 1 [KLD] Fragmentize SB: 3 [AQ] Energy Flux SB: 1 [A] Disenchant SB: 3 [C14] Containment Priest