// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Rakdos Aggro // CREATOR : tsubaki_ume // FORMAT : Standard 3 [] Swamp 12 [] Mountain 2 [HOU] Ifnir Deadlands 4 [XLN] Dragonskull Summit 1 [AKH] Canyon Slough 2 [KLD] Aether Hub 2 [AER] Aethersphere Harvester 2 [KLD] Unlicensed Disintegration 2 [AKH] Magma Spray 3 [HOU] Abrade 1 [AKH] Cut / Ribbons 4 [KLD] Scrapheap Scrounger 1 [KLD] Chandra, Torch of Defiance 4 [KLD] Bomat Courier 1 [] Dire Fleet Daredevil 4 [HOU] Earthshaker Khenra 4 [] Fanatical Firebrand 3 [AKH] Hazoret the Fervent 3 [KLD] Pia Nalaar 2 [] Rekindling Phoenix SB: 1 [HOU] Scavenger Grounds SB: 1 [XLN] Heartless Pillage SB: 2 [AKH] Glorybringer SB: 2 [XLN] Dual Shot SB: 1 [HOU] Chandra's Defeat SB: 1 [] Angrath, the Flame-Chained SB: 1 [HOU] Abrade SB: 2 [KLD] Chandra, Torch of Defiance SB: 2 [] Rekindling Phoenix SB: 2 [AKH] Sweltering Suns