// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Abzan Control // CREATOR : RIWBTU // FORMAT : Standard 3 [JOU] Ajani, Mentor of Heroes 2 [THS] Elspeth, Sun's Champion 4 [BNG] Courser of Kruphix 3 [JOU] Doomwake Giant 4 [KTK] Siege Rhino 4 [THS] Sylvan Caryatid 1 [THS] Read the Bones 4 [THS] Thoughtseize 4 [KTK] Abzan Charm 3 [THS] Hero's Downfall 1 [JOU] Silence the Believers 2 [KTK] Utter End 1 [M15] Caves of Koilos 2 [FRF] Forest 1 [M15] Llanowar Wastes 2 [FRF] Plains 3 [KTK] Sandsteppe Citadel 1 [FRF] Swamp 4 [JOU] Temple of Malady 2 [BNG] Temple of Plenty 4 [THS] Temple of Silence 1 [M15] Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth 4 [KTK] Windswept Heath SB: 1 [KTK] Sorin, Solemn Visitor SB: 1 [M15] Liliana Vess SB: 1 [THS] Read the Bones SB: 3 [BNG] Bile Blight SB: 2 [KTK] Despise SB: 3 [BNG] Drown in Sorrow SB: 1 [KTK] Erase SB: 1 [M15] Garruk, Apex Predator SB: 2 [THS] Glare of Heresy